Thursday, January 16, 2014

One month old!

I can not believe my sweet Brooklyn Grace is already one month old. It is crazy, I feel like time flies, but when looking at the future it seems to go so slow. She is now weighing in at 4 lbs 3 oz. This is right at a pound above birth rate. She is growing daily! Brook is even starting to get chubby cheeks. Brook is still tube feeding. I hope that we will start bottle feeding next week. That is our next big mile stone we are looking forward to. Right now Brook is still on oxygen. She is breathing room air with a little bit of a push. I think that it is her security. Any time the doctor even talks about taking her off, then she starts to struggle. Her blood count is still a little low. We are hoping that she starts producing blood at a higher rate soon. If she continues to decrease she will have to get a blood transfusion. The eye doctor came to do an eye exam today. (I hear it is very common for preemies to have eye issues and increased risk for blindness) everything looked great. He does not want to follow up for one year.

Our family is doing better. We are in our little routine now. NICU visits have become part of our daily schedule. There is still not much time left for "real life" after all the visits, but we are managing. We are still going to all the feeding (every three hours) except the midnight and 3:00 am. Other than that, Austin and I take turns going. Colten is doing much better. I am still unsure how much he understand. I don't think he realizes that at some point, a baby will really come to live in our house. He is very involved in everything baby. Colten loves to help me fold Brooks's clothes or wash pump pieces. I know I will look back on this part of my life and it will seem like nothing. Everything we have been through has made me treasure every moment I have with my family! Thank you for all the prayers and support. I am quite sure the prayers are what is keeping me sane.

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